Perform various calculations
A collection of 50+ free calculators, converters, and developer tools for everyday use. No tracking, just useful tools.
Perform various calculations
Convert between different units and formats
Tools for developers
All tools are completely free to use with no hidden charges or premium features.
There are no tracking tools on this website to track individual users.
We don't track your usage or collect unnecessary personal data.
Get instant, accurate results with our optimized calculation tools.
Yes, all calculators, converters, and developer tools on MinimalTools are completely free to use with no hidden charges or premium features.
No, you can use all our tools without creating an account or signing up. We believe in providing hassle-free access to useful tools.
Yes, all our tools are designed to provide accurate results. We regularly test and update our calculators and converters to ensure precision.
Absolutely! MinimalTools is fully responsive and works perfectly on smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.
We respect your privacy. MinimalTools does not track your usage or collect personal data beyond what is necessary for the site to function.