Learn more about MinimalTools and our mission to provide free, high-quality online calculators and tools.
At MinimalTools, we are a dedicated team of IT professionals passionate about creating high-quality, free tools and content for the internet community. Our primary goal is to offer a comprehensive collection of online calculators that are easily accessible to everyone.
Originally launched in 2007 on calculators.info, we transitioned to calculator.net in 2008. Our calculators are categorized into four main sections: Financial, Fitness & Health, Math, and Others. Each calculator is developed in-house, with many utilizing open-source JavaScript components under various licenses.
Over 90% of our calculators are based on well-established formulas and equations found in textbooks, such as the mortgage calculator and BMI calculator. For calculators with controversial formulas, we present results from multiple popular methods, as seen in our Ideal Weight Calculator. While some calculators, like the love calculator, are designed for entertainment, they are based on internal formulas.
Our financial calculators have been reviewed by financial advisors from leading personal financial firms, while our health calculators have received approval from local medical professionals. The majority of our descriptive content is created in-house, with a small portion sourced from Wikipedia under the GNU Free Documentation License. Our financial team has meticulously crafted the content for financial calculators, and local medical doctors have reviewed the health-related content.